Unity in Music: ‘Subaho Smayono’ Choral Concert Set To Inspire On October 29th

Harmonizing Hearts: Behind the Scenes of 'Subaho Smayono' – Where Music and Dedication Converge.
Harmonizing Hearts: Behind the Scenes of 'Subaho Smayono' – Where Music and Dedication Converge.
Embark on a captivating musical odyssey, where 235 voices blend seamlessly in perfect harmony, singing praises in many languages. Welcome to ‘Subaho Smayono,’ a choral concert set to grace the stage on 29th October 2023, a unique celebration of faith, culture, and the unity brought by music.
Translated from Syriac, ‘Subaho Smayono’ signifies ‘Heavenly Glory,’ encapsulating the essence of this extraordinary musical event. This concert features 235 voices from the talented ensemble ‘Srope Kadheshe,’ the Diocesan Choir of the Madras Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Church, accompanied by a vibrant 30-member Orchestra, merging in symphonic unison to offer praises in diverse languages. 
Srope Kadheshe (a Syriac phrase meaning Voice of Angels), formally inaugurated in June 2010, is a collective representing the finest choirs from our churches across the city of Chennai. This combined choir is the brainchild, dream and vision of His Grace Dr. Yuhanon Mar Diascoros, former Bishop of the Madras Diocese. Since its inception in 2010, the choir has performed in various programs and events and has been widely appreciated. The choir is once again poised to captivate hearts and celebrate the fusion of faith and culture. During one of the practice sessions, the Metropolitan of our Madras Diocese, His Grace Geevarghese Mar Philexinos confessed that he experienced goosebumps while listening to the songs.
As a choir member and a proud part of ‘Srope Kadheshe,’ carrying the rich musical traditions of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Churches, I am exhilarated to share my journey within this kaleidoscope of melodies. Together, we are set to mesmerize the audience with a repertoire spanning Christian hymns in Malayalam, Greek, Tamil, and English.
Unlock the Magic of Music and Unity! You're Invited to 'Subaho Smayono' on October 29, 2023. Mark your calendar for a multilingual musical celebration.
The organisers of ‘Subaho Smayono’ have poured their hearts into curating an event that amplifies this diverse linguistic and spiritual tapestry. The dedication and patience of Vinod Simon, Secretary and Choir Conductor of Srope Kadheshe and one of the organizers of Subaho Smayono, is commendable. Each practice session stands as a testament to our collective dedication to music. The venue, St. Thomas College Auditorium, with its resplendent acoustics, sets the stage for our multilingual expressions to shine. 
With every note we sing, we share fragments of our faith and our culture. We extend an invitation to join us on this cross-cultural musical pilgrimage, where languages harmonise and the magic of unity intertwines with our musical journey.
Mark your calendars and immerse yourself in this world of musical polyphony. Become a part of ‘Subaho Smayono,’ where we unite through languages and faith, presenting a symphony that will resonate deeply within your heart and soul. See you on 29th October 2023!

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