Wings for Wheelchairs. Differently Abled in Food Delivery

If you are in Chennai chances are you’d soon see 37 year old differently abled Ganesh Murugan deliver food riding his new motorised electric wheelchair. Breaking new ground in the food delivery space, he crisscrosses Ambattur between restaurants and homes or offices to deliver food. 

It’s Neo-Bolt, an IIT Madras Incubated vehicle that has enabled Ganesh to gain access into lifts to deliver food or wheel into restaurants to collect take aways. He earns an additional six thousand rupees  a month delivering food in the evenings.  

Till recently he used to work from home for a private company. Now he turns into a delivery person in the evenings. Speaking to Ganesh said “With Neo-Bolt I am able to get into shops easily. it’s easy for me to deliver food on Zomato in the evenings. It runs upto 35 km for a charge. It’s safe and easy for delivery. I also earn.”

The Neo Bolt is opening up new livelihood opportunities for many like Ganesh.

Neo Bolt  can travel upto 25 km on a single charge, at 25 km speed. Its unique feature is, by a push of a button the unit’s front part with the  wheel gets detached and the rear part  doubles up as a manual wheel chair for seamless last mile access.

It also dispenses with the  need for a seperate wheelchair to move around at the destination. Users also do not  need anyone’s help or support.

This is opening up new livelihood opportunities for many like Ganesh.

Siddharth Daga, the Co-founder of the start-up Neomotion Assistive Solutions had signed up for Zomato delivery and used the vehicle to highlight this opportunity for the differently abled. He says “Imagine the opportunity for the differently abled  in companies like Amazon or Dunzo. Even postal delivery could not open up for them. Above all it gives them dignity and independence.”

Priced at ninety five thousand rupees the start-up  has sold around 400 vehicles so far.  The team is also working with corporates securing their CSR funding to help less privileged with this mobility to expand their vocational opportunity. They’ve also tied up with a few banks to fund purchase on an EMI basis.


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