Ring’s Rapturous Response

Love sealed with a circle of eternity. (Image generated by Meta AI.)

I’m proud to be Becky’s wedding band, symbolizing eternal love, chosen with care, cherished, and protected, representing the inner grace of God binding two souls together forever.”

I was more than excited the day you said, “I do” about forty years ago. My joy knew no bounds when I took up permanent residence in you the moment your best friend placed me on your delicate finger on your wedding day! Here I was, and for keeps, the sole occupant of the little girl, who always dreamed of wearing a wedding ring. It won’t be presumptuous on my part when I say I actually enhanced her otherwise bare hand. You see, I was destined for her. 

Down the millennia, couples pledged lifelong commitment by way of a golden wedding ring – initially a simple straight forward band, which, one time transformed into the more exotic – platinum, diamond studded, engraved, inlaid, shiny, glittering beauties that flew off shelves leaving plain-Jane patient me waiting in the wings!

My grit and humility paid off! Thank God I didn’t have to wait too long, for, before I knew it, I was swept off the shelf by a calm and confident, God-fearing young man, much the same way he swept his adoring Becky off her feet! To him, I wasn’t just a custom or tradition. I held his undying love, and all that his love meant, for his Becky.

Perched on the shelf in a jewellery showroom, for what seemed aeons then, I was witness to how my rich, classy looking cousins were treated- simply as showpieces! But me being me, all heart, hoped and prayed for someone like this dear, handsome young man to choose me for his life-breath, his darling wife! And now, here he was, looking intently at me- the apparition of his dream- this charming circle of his love everlasting. He cradled me in his hand with as much respect and affection (as I now know) he treats his Becky, and everyone else too. Bought and boxed with utmost care and concern, I eagerly awaited the day I alighted on Becky’s finger!

Her I was, almost forty years ago, one sweltering summer, the centre-piece of one of the most beautiful moments of this loving couple’s life! I couldn’t help thinking how happy and blessed my fellow beings must be! On Becky’s finger, I was more than just a ring. I am the unique symbol of the precious love they hold each other with.

Life, for me, had come full circle with Becky happy and contented with only me on her hand. I basked in all the attention I was receiving, and honestly speaking, who wouldn’t! Becky took immense care of me, so concerned for my safety she was that at times Becky would remove and keep me on a shelf, a cabinet, a tissue roll counter in front of her fearing I may slip off her slender finger. That did happen once or twice that prompted my removal, at certain times, for safe keeping. That Becky and her darling husband loved me all too dearly became crystal clear when on one occasion, Becky’s cry of dismay brought him post haste to the bathroom to retrieve me from literally going down the drain! That was quite a “close shave” I must say. Yet another near major mishap made Becky over protective of me, but she is human after all, and liable to forgetfulness in the face of rush hours. 

I for sure know my Becky. No, she is far from fickle or frivolous, forgetful at times yes, but definitely neither of the above two Fs! I am the outward sign of the inner grace of God that binds these seemingly different individuals together in a circle of love eternal. I am Proud to be Becky’s Wedding Band!

(A few of my readers wondered what my wedding ring would have said if it could speak, in response to my previous story)

(Betty D’Couto is the former Head, PG & Research Centre of English, Lady Doak College. She taught there for 35 years.) 


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