A Feline Legacy: From Kitten to Kindred Spirits

There she was early one morning on my backdoor step, a furry little ball of white, black and orange, artistically designed in geometric pattern, plaintively beckoning me in her kittenish best for a little something. Where did this beautiful ball of fur come from? What prompted her land up on my doorstep? Was she even remotely aware that I was more of a dog person? Before I could fly further with my thoughts like a witch on her broomstick, the plaintive meow turned into a wailing whimper. And THAT did it for me.
Armed with a small bowl of milk, I trod so gently towards the door lest I scare this heavenly apparition away from my backyard. But such was her confidence in the goodness of human kind, or so I would like to think, that all she did was gingerly jump down to allow me open the door and place the bowl below the steps. I gazed mesmerized as the little one lapped up all traces of milk, purring in satisfaction. What followed next was the meticulous cleaning process, licking herself spotlessly clean from whiskers to her face and paws. Little wonder then cats are known to be the cleanest animals in the world!
That was the start of a friendship that grew and developed even as KuttyCat, Oody, Mummy’s Baby – all the names she sweetly answered to, grew into a paragon of beauty! Not long after came the jaunty Mr.Tom, a-wooing my Oody!
Having joyfully given my children in marriage to the love of their life, I knew better than to shoo Mr.Tom. So off they went into the sunset, after a whirlwind romance, leaving me bereft. But then, isn’t love sacrifice too!
My back door is now the gateway to many a generation of KuttyCats who continually light up my days, as I would like to think, theirs, as we meet, greet and eat.
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- Tags: A Feline Legacy, Betty D'Couto, Inspiration, Madurai
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