A Thirukkural a Day for 30 Years. Salem Farmer Winning Hearts

Rain or shine for 30 years Rangaswamy has been writing a Thirukkural couplet with its meaning for visitors and trekkers to Yercaud to read.

If you have been to the hill resort of  Yercaud driving or trekking, chances are you may have seen a black board with a couplet from world Tamil classic Thirukkural written on it near the forest department’s check post as you begin to climb uphill. 

For thirty years, K Rangaswamy, a farmer has been passionately writing a couplet from Thirukkural along with a summary of it in Tamil every day. Rain or shine, he’s here to share Thirukkural’s  wealth of life lessons to visitors. “There is nothing Thirukkural doesn’t say about. People should know it. They can live life well. I get great joy even if one person reads it daily” said Rangaswamy to tellmystory.in
Rangaswamy has many fans. Krishnan, a resident of Salem who walks up to the 60 foot bridge has made it a tradition to stop at the board for his daily dose of Thirukkural. He says “Thirukkural has everything about life. It’s so important as we don’t know much about life”. The daily couplet and its meaning on the board, he adds “Kindles my curiosity. Many like me stop to read”. 
Suresh, another regular visitor to Yercaud says “During school days we learnt Thirukkural without realising its greatness. Now I enjoy reading this daily”.
Even those who can’t speak Tamil love  Rangaswamy’s work. Mahendra, an entrepreneur from Rajasthan who has made Salem his home for several decades says Rangaswamy inspired him to learn about Thirukkural. He says “Rangaswamy has become part of Salem’s history.  The Trekkers Club has honoured him as their Goodwill Ambassador”.
On how he prepares, Rangaswamy says “I write the meaning on my own. Sometimes I prepare and come too”. Socially conscious, Rangaswamy has also helped  a government school with four classrooms, a toilet and a concrete road raising 60 lakh rupees towards the cause. 
Written by Saint Thiruvalluvar, Thirukkural is the world’s second largest translated literary work, next only to The Holy Bible. It has 1330 couplets, the first line of each with four words and the second with 3 words.  

Next time you travel to Yercaud, you may want to meet Rangaswamy or write a thank you note on the board after you read the day’s couplet.

Please don’t miss watching his video. 


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