My Gift Is Your Blessing

My gift,your blessing: a ripple of kindness. Image generated by Meta AI.
When my friend, Andrea Trutwin, told me about her father going abroad by ‘aeroplane’ – yes, you heard right, that was how a plane was referred to when I was a little girl – I knew I had a solid after-dinner story for my siblings, who hung on to my lip as I began regaling them with stories stemming from my very fertile imagination. On one such night, after we children finished dinner, and our parents, grandfather and uncle sat down to theirs, we assembled in the hall, I standing tall, all two-and-a-half feet of me, ready for my story spinning session. That night I took them on a flight of fancy they’ve never forgotten (or ever let me forget) to this day! I waved my magic wand of such compelling storytelling that none of my awestruck siblings even doubted my tall tale of how “Andrea’s daddy stuck his hand out of the aeroplane’s window, plucked a piece of cloud, and ate it!” When one is little, everything seems to be real and possible, right? How wonderful to have such a captivated audience whom you hold spellbound! And this was not all. I went into anatomy storytelling as well, for, one night, I mesmerized my siblings spinning a yarn about how “the heart goes into the lungs and the lungs go into the kidneys,” and, oh, how they laughed! Gosh, I had better hold on before I lose you, dear friend! So, to cut the long story short… I believe that those silly little story sessions in my childhood, were, actually, preparatory classes for the full-on, real-life storytelling I was destined for, more than half a century later!

I am certain we are all aware that our lives have purpose that can be realized with and through our God-given gifts and talents which are unique to each of us. This idea resonates deeply with me. Over the years, I have also come to recognize that our talents/gifts, while they bring us personal joy and fulfillment, are ultimately meant to enrich the lives of others. Therefore, I truly believe that my gifts are not just mine to enjoy, but should be more of a blessing those around me. Why do people still fondly remember Mother Thresa, Nelson Mandela, Jim Reeves, S.P.B., to name a few. Most of us didn’t know them personally, but what they did with their life’s Purpose, touched us, the world, making a difference even today. 

Be it art, music, science or kindness, the gifts we possess are meant to touch lives beyond our own. That the beauty of our gifts grows when shared is incredibly true, as is the multiplying of our joys when used to serve others. If you don’t believe me, watch a baby fall asleep as their parent sings them a lullaby. Simple logic. As someone who loves singing, cooking, speaking, counselling, teaching, acting, directing, emceeing, I have begun to view each of these in the context of others. Remember that meaning-filled little chorus we learnt as kids, “This little guiding light of mine, I’m going to let it shine…/ Hide it under a bushel, oh, no/ I’m going to let it shine!” Drives home the point, doesn’t it! 


Oftentimes, our gifts become a bridge that connects people to their own emotions, to each other, one another, and to themselves too. Our passion thereby becomes our responsibility to use it for good. Through our various God-given gifts, we find that we can bring emotions, ideas and perspectives of life in ways that resonate with people. I have realized that, each of us, when we use our talents prudently, can be a source of comfort, hope, or even joy for those who need it.

Of course, there are bound to be challenges as our talents grow and blossom – for one, it can spark envy and jealousy in a few who are yet to recognize and realize theirs, but to me this is a small price to pay for the joy of greater good. I know, for I too have had once trudged down that self-defeating road of negativity, till, thanks to “That Still Small Voice of Wisdom,” I soon learnt to make discerning choices. Pride and self-centeredness no longer loom large in life. The knowledge that my gifts and talents are mine to share, opened up a hitherto unrecognized avenue of peace in my life. My talents are not about being perfect or profound, but about being genuine and generous.

Starting today, let us all embrace our gifts and talents not just as ours to own, but as something far-reaching – a tool to inspire, uplift and bring hope and joy. My gift is your blessing, and your gift too, can be somebody else’s. Together, when we share and appreciate what we are blessed with, we can create a world where our talents shine not for individual glory but collective good. 


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  1. Chitra

    Awesome story teller!

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