Nesting Hope: Koodugal Trust’s Mission to Bring Back Sparrows

Simple wooden boxes made by school students in Chennai have turned into nests for Sparrows. This initiative by Koodugal Trust is even creating Sparrow Sanctuaries.

A unique initiative by a Chennai based NGO, Koodugal (Nests) is contributing to a rise in population of sparrows in Chennai.

Founded by Ganeshan D, a Business Analyst, the NGO has  built around 10000 simple wooden boxes roping in children from thirty five schools and gets them  install these at their homes so sparrows could make them their nests. 

The initiative has turned into a movement in Chennai. Videos, photographs and the feedback from hundreds of children document the life of sparrows at their homes  and  give a wealth of information on what draws sparrows and what doesn’t work. Ganesan tells “Sparrows like dark places with less temperature. They like places with sand, love to play in water and swing on ropes. They just love to look at themselves in  a mirror”. 

Sparrows  eat cockroaches and many invisible insects and protect communities from diseases.

It’s an amazing experience for school children to make these news using the materials from the exclusive kit developed by Koodugal Trust. It’s a double delight for them when sparrows come calling at their homes and a triple delight when they multiply. “At least ten percent of these students would want to take it forward and we hope more and more people would give space for sparrows at their homes”, Ganeshan adds.                                                           

Koodugal Trust ropes in schools and engages students to make wooden boxes and to set them up at their homes. So far around 10000 such boxes have been installed in Chennai.

For Prayukta, a class nine student at R P S Matriculation and Higher Secondary School, it was a learning experience. Sparrows at her home she says turned her compassionate. She added “The parent sparrows protect  their newborns from predators, just like how my parents look after me. It was a wonderful experience “.

Encouraged by the public participation the trust also has now developed 8 sparrow sanctuaries  with hundred nests each at gated communities and schools with play grounds in north Chennai. These have created opportunities for 100 to 200 sparrows to make these campuses their home. 

Recently Koodugal Trust was honoured with Inspiro Award by Agilisium, an MNC revognising their Sparrow conservation efforts.

Recognising their quiet significant work, Agilisium an MNC into  Data Analytics, Cloud, and Life Science solutions honoured Koodugal with its  Inspiro Award. Its Founder and CEO Raj Babu said “Sparrows used to come into our homes many years ago. Now it’s missing. This may be seen as less gravity in life but we need those softer things in life too and Koodugal works in this space believing in what they do and that’s why we chose them”.  

As they take this sparrows mission forward Koodugal Trust also welcomes volunteers to reach out to more schools.


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