On Losing A Pet

Bingo, the Doberman pup came to be a part of the Patricia Sridhar family in 2010. An ardent dog lover, Patty had lost her dog of ten years, Bingo, a fluffy white ten-year old German Spitz. Bingo’s demise brought Patty’s world crashing down, devastated and grief stricken at the loss of a dear member of their family. Growing up in a pet-loving atmosphere at home, Patty’s attachment to doggies in particular, is a trait she directly inherited from Mummy!
Sridhar, her affable husband, unable to see his darling wife in such a heart-broken state, paid the pet shop nearby a visit with his dear friend, Prof. Vishwanatha. They identified a milk chocolate Doberman pup, raced back home and brought Patty to see the little fellow. Bereaved and bereft, Patty spotted the little guy hidden behind the dashing Dalmatians, carried him up and held him close. That the poor chap was down with diarrhoea became evident when Patty felt the warm rush of loose stool on her dress. Cleaned up and ready while the puppy was administered medication by the pet shop vet, Bingo Jr. came home to a jubilant family that loved the adorable little one no end.
Join my detour, dear friends, to learn about the genesis of the name Bingo (in our family). When Patty was a small girl of four or so, we had an Alsatian whom mummy named Bingo. He was as huge as he was affectionate, his favourites being mummy and Patty! All we needed to do was hide Patty behind a door or under sheets and pillows on the cot and say, “Bingo, where’s Patty” and off he’d go flying around the house searching for her till he sniffs and brings her out of her hiding. Come night time and Bingo would spring on to the compound wall patrolling our house. Bingo son endeared himself to everyone, including daddy dearest who was far cry from a pet lover! And, thus it was, Bingo came to be the name of every doggie we had thereafter.
Detour done we are back on track to Patricia’s Bingo story. That Patty felt an instant connection with this brown puppy can be gathered “from the moment I saw this Bingo and picked him up, all that heartbreak I was experiencing after losing my earlier Bingo kind of just went away, and this Bingo became an extension of our white one, and that’s how it’s been these last fourteen years.” New Bingo knew he was family when he was given the prime place between pillows to sleep on, on the bed, his four little legs up in the air. Patty’s wonderful Amma too loved the wee warrior.
This bashful puppy went on to become a holy terror, his razor-sharp teeth tearing anything that he chanced to encounter. Shoes, socks, slippers, stray items of clothing within his reach, would be reduced to shreds in a matter of minutes, or should I say, seconds! Take note those intending to bring home a puppy: This is puppy play! Am not trying to dampen your high spirits dear friends, just that I believe “forewarned is forearmed!”
Guess who was at the receiving end of Baby Bingo’s playful pranks? Rohan, Patricia and Sridhar’s darling little eight-year-old son! Life was never the same for the gentle, soft-spoken, sweet child. His was a rude awakening to the “survival of the fittest.” One nondescript day when Rohan was at his books, Bingo tumbled in and gave Rohan a playful bite. And what do you expect the little lad did? Bit Bingo right back! Never saw this reaction coming, did you? Yes, and neither did Bingo. After that, both Boy and Bingo became the best of friends who never tired of playing tug-of-war, especially when it came to eating, even as they grew up.
Bingo loved the entire family, Naanima, Rohan, Sridhar, but he was utterly devoted to Patty. He was her earthly guardian Angel. Nothing or no one could get past him when it came to Patty’s safety. He’d position himself in front of the door when she went in for a bath or was resting. The best was when Patty was on the treadmill. Bingo would sit right next to it till she completed her routine. Probably, given a chance, he might have hopped on to the treadmill too. As he grew older, Bingo was content to just be sleeping it out while Patty was busy sweating it out on her treadmill. And make no mistake; Bingo made no bones about wanting to taste everything the family ate. He loved his food alright, but definitely didn’t want to be left out of any other delectable the others were chomping on. Though it appeared that Bingo wasn’t cat-friendly, I guess all he ever wanted to, was to play with the strays that happened to trespass into his large compound. He would, at times, end up with a ‘bloody nose’, the tell-tale sign of cat scratches! You have got to see Bingo run! More like the sprinting or galloping of a cheetah, with his long ears fluttering along matching his supersonic speed. This was most evident after his bath when he used a sprint to dry the remaining water droplets after the toweling.
Anyone whose has (had) a doggie at home would be more than willing to vouch for the untold joy of being greeted by your dearest friend. That innocent, unbridled ecstasy with which your doggie greets you ‘n number’ of times a day, will live with you till the end of time. Patty’s voice and face lights up even as she recalls those boisterously beautiful moments of her Bingo’s pristine love.
As Bingo advanced in age, it became increasingly difficult to do the usual things, such as going into the yard which he enjoyed. Patty always treated him like a baby, and now more so. If he messed up inside, which became an everyday affair, she cleaned up after him, sometimes overwhelmed, but always patient. She did everything humanly possible to make Bingo’s twilight years as comfortable and painless as possible. The vet too was a constant at their home.
Bingo’s passing has left a void, dark and deep, and Patty is still trying to come to terms with her irretrievable loss. I am certain there are others too, like her, who, having lost their dear pets, undergo a kind of ‘death-in-life’ experience that we go through when we lose someone very close. On losing a Pet is no different!
- Tags: Anglo Indian, Becky, Betty D'Couto, Bingo, dog, Dog Lover, Dogs, English Faculty, Girl, I Confess, Inspiration, On Losing A Pet, pet, Puppy
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- Tags: Anglo Indian, Becky, Betty D'Couto, Bingo, dog, Dog Lover, Dogs, English Faculty, Girl, I Confess, Inspiration, On Losing A Pet, pet, Puppy