One More Angel

Baby son, Ziegen, was born in October 2023 to Catherine and David, his darling young parents who loved him right from the time he was a zygote!
Cathy, as we affectionately call her, was a super brilliant girl all the way from school – her intelligence and achievements never having eclipsed her humble and cheerful personality, and her deep faith in God. Now a much sought after pediatric dentist, Dr.Cathy(MDS) has no qualms about treating adults as well, for she sure uses kids gloves for them too.
I recall the absolute joy and jubilation in my Cathy’s voice when she informed us of the birth of her baby son, and subsequently when they decided to name him Ziegen, after the German missionary, Ziegenbalt, who was the first to translate the New Testament and parts of the Old Testament into Tamil.
Ziegen, the darling little Angel that he was, brought much joy, love and laughter into the family. Cathy’s cup of joy positively ‘ranneth over’ every waking moment! Each little smile or grimace, antic or prank only served to endear the baby son even more to everyone. Ziegen was blessed with a radiant, angelic smile that had the power to brighten up the dullest of days! I believe that all babies are Angels on earth.
When we visited baby son, Ziegen and his amazing cousin, Prana, the air in their home was palpably brimming over with rejoicing and gratitude for God’s immeasurable blessings upon them. Ziegen’s grandparents doted on him; nothing was too much for them when it came to their darling little grandson! They celebrated each and every fraction of a second with little Ziegen as much as he loved and enjoyed being in the midst of his adoring parents and grandparents.
Cathy sweetheart would send me pictures of our Ziegen, the apple of her eye, almost ten months now – pictures of the happy chappie sitting atop his beloved grandfather on an outdoor exploration; gleefully tugging at his darling mother’s hair – his eclectic, eager expressions ranging from innocent curiosity and impish charm to the joyful abandon of being among his toys- every one of them a delight to behold! But the best of all was the picture of our darling Angel Ziegen’s baby hands raised above his head, praising God, when the family said Hallelujah! Such a sublime sight to behold! A divine moment captured on camera!
Hardly ten days later I receive a call, my darling child Cathy’s grief-stricken wailing telling me that her angel baby son Ziegen has ‘actually become an Angel!’ It took a while for the shocking news to sink in. Then just imagine the utter grief of these young parents! What unimaginable trauma for this young mother and father to behold the lifeless body of their baby whose passing was so shockingly sudden!
If you thought that this terrible tragedy, misery and unspeakable grief of baby Ziegen’s untimely demise would shake Cathy’s faith in her God, then you have another thought coming. For, the very next morning I was greeted as usual, by my Cathy’s brief daily devotions – today’s being, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised” (Job 1:21).
This ‘Jobian’ mindset, the result of Cathy’s deep, tenacious and unwavering faith in the face of tremendous travails and trials, can be ours too, if only, we, like Cathy, keep faith flying high above all else.
(Betty D’Couto is the former Head, PG & Research Centre of English, Lady Doak College. She taught there for 35 years.)
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- Tags: Anglo Indian, Becky, Betty D'Couto, Inspiration, Madurai, Teaching
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