Police Personnel Rally Together to Build Compassion Home for Widow and Her Five Children in Tamil Nadu

Compassion Home-Tellmystory
Muthulakshmi, a widow and a mother of five children is a relieved lot in the Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu. The lady who lived in a dilapidated leaky shed with thatched roof now has a concrete house to call her home. What’s true but  hard to believe is that, the house was built and gifted by police personnel after she lost her husband Sakthivel, a Mason  in a road accident in March this year.
It all began when she approached the the Deputy Superintendent of  Police Arokiaraj, seeking help to claim any insurance compensation. The Officer was moved to hear about her plight and swung into action when he saw the video of their abject living condition. When he shared the video to his colleagues, Sub Inspectors and Inspectors came forward to contribute to build a house for the family giving around ten thousand rupees each. More help poured in with a cement company donating the cement required and a local kiln giving bricks. In five months the house got ready and Muthulakshmi’s family has moved in. It was an emotional moment  for Muthulakshmi who makes three hundred rupees a day working at a brick kiln. She said “The Sir (DSP) helped us a lot including taking care of  my children’s education and building this house”.
Sharing about the outreach, “Initially I had a doubt whether we would be able to complete the house. But kind hearted people came forward to join hands. Now  we are inspired to do more such good things”, said Arokiaraj, the DSP.
The police have rightly named the house “Compassion Home”. Led by the Superintendent of Police Rajaram, dozens of policemen and women joined the housewarming ceremony, each bringing gifts like for their own family. Rajaram said “Every one has some tender heart. This is a manifestation. This will give the family dignity and independence. The police has just been a tool. The credit should go to the people of Virudachalam”.
Virudachalam police have also come forward to take care of Muthulakshmi's five children. The older daughter wants to join the Police.
That’s not all. The police have taken care of the education of the children as well. Four of the five children, including two girls have been admitted in a residential school. The elder daughter who wants to become a Police would stay with her mom to clear a paper in class X exams. 
Often police are perceived to be tough and cruel but this team of men and women in khaki have proved they can be kind and compassionate as well.

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