“There is more treasure in books than in all pirate’s loot in treasure island.”
– Walt Disney
Do you have the habit of reading books? Once graduated, or after getting a job, most people stop reading, thinking it is not necessary anymore. In a generation where everyone grows up glued to mobile phones, and tablets, cultivate the habit of reading books. Yeah, you might have heard this a lot, but that’s because it’s true, books have the power to change your life. There are so many successful people who have addressed how certain books, have helped them build an abundant and happy life. Personally, books have transformed my perspectives, and encouraged me to make wiser choices.
There are various genres of book such as, fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, poetry or folklore, etc. Regardless of your preferred genre, reading regularly has numerous advantages. For, example when you read fiction, you dive into the story where your mind paints the picture of the characters and scenarios. This boosts creativity and empathy. Whereas, non-fiction books, provides you with inspiring ideas which helps with personal growth. Many books such as, 7 habits of highly effective people by Stepehen Covey, Think and grow rich by Napolean hill have helped people around the globe achieve success. Many people have shared their stories about how these books changed their lives. That is the power books hold.
Reading regularly also enhances your cognitive functions and sharpens critical thinking. Your vocabulary expands when you read books, which helps you communicate effectively with confidence. One of the best things about reading books is that, they induce curiosity, encouraging you to learn more about different topics. Not only that, but they also make you question many things, and by questioning we gain deeper knowledge.
There are also psychological and physical benefits of reading books. Story books work as an escape from day today lives, and helps you relax. Self-help books nourish your brain, and pushes you to take inspired actions. Reading before going to bed, relaxes your mind and improves your sleep. Less screentime, protects your vision.
Now how to cultivate this habit of reading regularly? Start simply, by reading five to ten pages a day. Pick a genre which you find exciting, and sparks curiosity, that way it does not feel like a chore. Spending even 20 to 30 minutes reading, can work wonders and you will be pleasantly surprised to realise how fun reading books can be. In no time, it becomes a habit, that brings you a sense of fulfilment and joy. So, this is your reminder to replace mindless scrolling on your phone with reading. Are you ready to discover the magic of books?
- Tags: Books, Dr Agalya Umapathy, Reading
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- Tags: Books, Dr Agalya Umapathy, Reading