Retirement Benefits

Thirty-five years have flown past in the twinkling of an eye, and how! Every day was a full day – what with household chores, packing tiffin boxes, getting the children dressed and school-ready, draping my sari and setting off to work after dropping the boys at school! There were a million different things that had to be completed apart from my teaching. No, I am not complaining – quite the opposite actually. Simply stating facts that most working women can identify with. I loved what I was doing, tiring and taxing though it could sometimes get.
Back home, the evening and winding up for the day had its fair share of work – tea, play, studies for the little ones, and tidying up, making dinner and then on to bed time for the boys, you know the drill, right! Yes, it was a full day, every single day, all thirty-five years. Whenever my best friend for life, my darling husband was at home, he busied himself with taking as much off my shoulders as was possible. And now, here we are – children all grown, married, and gone to other parts of the world to work – in our little haven, retired and enjoying our leisurely days together.
For the uninitiated (those still working), let me tell you that you have a plethora of retirement benefits, and not just of the monetary kind; but having your day weave its way according to your pace is, as you too will one day find, pure bliss! It is as if you have your 24 hours wrapped around your little finger. Oh, of course, you’ll have your household chores to attend to, you’ll still need to cook in order to eat, and clean up after your mess alright, but – and this is a profoundly positive But- now you have all the time in the world for all of that and more. Pursuing your other passions that paucity of time had put on hold, can flower and flourish! Hobbies that have hitherto been lying dormant can now see the light of day. No more hurry-burry, just the luxury of the leisurely!
My flying around on heels has given way to walking – yes, you heard that right – walking, and may I add, lady-like! Am still trying to get the hang of walking like a lady, for I am really at a loss if not flitting around! Maybe it is thanks to my athletic past, or it could be that God, in His infinite mercy, made me fleet-footed having cut me down to size, literally speaking! Though the heels came later, they are still my best bet for an occasion. But for the most part nowadays, I am on ground level, walking in my ever-faithful, beloved bathroom slippers.
Waking up relaxed and refreshed each morning after a good night’s sleep, sure sprinkles my day with joy and peace, and with love always close at hand! Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that these valuables were lacking when I was working, it’s simply that the levels are way up these days! Retirement sure allows you to wax eloquent too. If you don’t believe it… well… you are listening to (oops, sorry, reading) me, right now, aren’t you!
Neither my darling husband nor I, have ever, even for a moment, allowed ourselves to get carried away by what we did, or the positions we held at work. We never defined ourselves by ‘what’ we were, but rather by ‘who’ we are. I presume that is why it is so easy for us to continue enjoying life. Oftentimes people wonder aloud as to how we fill our day, post retirement. We never wondered. We just accepted that the time when we were working was a phase in life that actually had more than 24 hours, work-wise. But with the God-given 24 that is now ours, we continue to delight in our Chores, Church and Community that have always been a huge part of our life.
My best friend and I love every moment of our life. There is no chore in the house that is too big or too small for the two of us. Doing things together, or, separately together, makes a world of a difference in a relationship. Contentment, the offshoot of love, respect and understanding, blossoms best when well-watered with mutual appreciation, affection and support. We may have retired from an active public life, but definitely not from making the most of our God-given life! .
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This Post Has One Comment
Wow👌….I felt like watching a movie….the narrative is as magical as ever👏🏻… I am so glad to see Dew mam…pls convey my respectful regards to her💐💐💐
Thanks for sharing mam