The Kalidas Phenomenon

The Kalidass family: A testament to love, perseverance, and the power of dreams.

Kalidass, from the day I met him, twenty years ago, has every one of his good qualities intact. Neither    the vagaries of time nor circumstance could steal those endearing tangible and intangible qualities from him. Never realized back then that he and his lovely family would become an intrinsic part of our life! And how?

Kalidass was a boy I came to know when I was at a Spoken English institute two decades ago. Like all those young and upcoming professionals, Kalidass too joined the programme as a buttress to better his career prospects.  I couldn’t help but notice this shy, almost timid young boy, a physiotherapist, sitting studiously at his desk, listening, observing and absorbing every little nuanced detail that my teaching held. And, no, Kalidass was no passive listener! He asked questions, hesitant at first, and later with the confidence that I, his teacher, would readily answer everyone’s questions, dispelling, to the best of my ability, any lingering doubt.

Disciplined, diligent and determined to rise above his crippling circumstances, Kalidass displayed keen interest in striving to acquire and better his communication skills in general, the English language skills in particular. That Kalidass took the laborious learning process seriously was more than obvious. He would be at his desk before time, seeking my intervention as and when he needed clarification.

Here was a boy whose entire schooling was in the regional language, putting in his every effort to acquire a good command of the lingua franca, his goal being clearing the IELTS so as to study further in his field and secure a job abroad, to uplift his family. Going the extra mile, Kalidass, on completion of his programme, approached me with a request to continue extending help with his writing skills. I was at once struck by this young boy’s sincerity and firm resolve to help him help others, and readily agreed. Within a short span of time, Kalidass came up to me one evening, beaming, his happy, handsome face alight! He managed to hit the score needed for him to do his PG in Physiotherapy in the UK. Like my Kalidass, I too was beside myself with joy! Shortly after we parted ways, he to the UK and my family back to our hometown.

I strongly believe that God brings certain people into our lives for a purpose, and that it is up to us to discern that purpose for He clearly does not believe in spoon-feeding His children. Fast-forward twenty years, and by some mysterious way, Kalidass was able to get my number and got in touch with me. What rejoicing it was at both our ends! He telescoped his two decades to me in a matter of minutes. Of the joy of being married to one of the best young girls in the world, Tamilarasi, to being blessed with two adorable, brilliant and beautiful little daughters – Raghavi and Bhagyashree!

Their trip to India this year included spending a few days in our home with us. Observing my Kalidass at close quarters, I could see the loving husband and responsible father he is. Tamilarasi, Kalidas’ better half, is a registered nurse also working in the UK is a beautiful woman with a wise head upon her young shoulders. The love and joy that we shared, well, no one would say that we were all meeting up for the first time!

The Kalidass story of his decision to study Physiotherapy stemmed from losing his dear paternal grandmother to a stroke. His dear father, a cycle merchant, though physically challenged, worked to give his three children the best he could. It was Kalidass’ dear mother, a homemaker, who alongside his father, impressed upon their children the importance of education. Despite many difficulties and dire financial constraints, they spared nothing when it came to their children’s education.

On completion of his Physiotherapy course, Kalidass began to realize that these jobs were a dime a dozen with hardly any take home salary. That was when, thanks to a friend, he was motivated to prepare for the IELTS. Kalidass now knew that he needed extraneous help if he wanted to achieve the required score, so he embarked on a trip from his hometown Rajapalayam, to Chennai. I absolutely believe that God always blesses an honest effort. Putting his shoulder to the wheel as it were, Kalidass accomplished what he set out to achieve.  

Before he knew it, Kalidass found himself on foreign soil. The initial years were a nightmare of sorts, what with being friendless and freezing while studying and working part-time! It took every ounce of his strength of body, mind, spirit and faith to remain unfazed by every unfavourable condition.  His sacrifice bore, and continues to bear rich dividends. He is a soothing balm to his dear patients, his family and his extended family back home. Kalidass is also working towards giving back to society in the near future. Till such time, here’s one of Jim Rohn’s pearls of wisdom (which Kalidass follows) to ruminate on, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment!”

(Betty D’Couto is the former Head, PG & Research Centre of English, Lady Doak College. She taught there for 35 years.) 


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