Be a Fountain not a Drain

While I watched this beautiful film, “The Forge”, I realized I chanced upon the topic and title for this week’s nugget! The statement, “Be a Fountain, not a Drain” struck a chord in my heart; mind, actually. It set me thinking deeply, long after the movie was over. Being a lover of literature, and, a litterateur of sorts, the “Fountain” metaphor was something I loved and enjoyed – exploring its infinite, fascinating facets, fulsome and fresh!
My first response was to delve deep into the recesses of my mind and heart to see who I am – a Fountain or a drain! And, if a drain, then I need to sedulously work myself out of the quagmire of negative behaviour towards being the Fountain I was created to be.
Don’t we all love fountains? From the very ordinary, gurgling ones to the spouting, spraying ones, to the disco-dancing ones, the fountain enthralls everyone. Got you glued, haven’t I? Well, now that you are with me, let’s take a cool stroll, as we, together, like tireless, simple seekers, strive to analyze ourselves in the context of the phenomenal Fountain.
“Be a Fountain, not a drain” metaphorically serves as a powerful reminder to us to focus on being purpose-filled, more on giving rather than on taking, contributing rather than consuming and super spreaders of positivity. Are we, then, those who are given to inspiring and nourishing? If our answer is “Yes”, then, thank God we are indeed Fountains!
Want to break out into a good sweat, do you dear friends? Ok then, here’s your chance. Jog with me through the track of how, having a Fountain mentality can impact our personal and professional growth, our relationships and our society at large. A Fountain symbolizes abundance, beauty, peace and continuous flow of joy. It delights the eye and ear, mind and heart and spirit; the profusion of which cannot be self-contained. A Fountain person is optimistic, encouraging and generous. They think nothing of sharing their time and talents, extending support, motivating and making others feel valued. Choosing to be a Fountain is a conscious decision (if not an inherited one) to radiate positive vibes and contribute meaningfully. Being a Fountain includes self-awareness, empathy and a commitment to one’s own growth as an individual, a person.
The Fountain mindset creates as well as exudes a cycle of positive energy benefiting both the giver and the receiver – a ripple effect that has far-reaching results. When we adopt a Fountain-like approach to life, we develop resilience, gratitude and emotional intelligence among other characteristics. Challenges become chances for improvement, and this proactive attitude fosters and nurtures adaptability in the face of adversity. Being a Fountain involves celebrating other’s successes and empathizing with their struggles. It contributes to a positive and productive professional life as well, where collaboration, creativity, motivation, encouragement and constructive feedback help promote a healthy work culture of trust, respect and growth.
Cultivating a fountain mentality, I know for certain, begins with the attitude of gratitude, which, when regularly reflected upon reinforces a positive outlook towards people and circumstances. It also means setting healthy boundaries, ensuring no one is taken advantage of or taken for granted. Like a fountain, we should replenish ourselves with activities that nurture physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
I choose to dwell mostly on being a Fountain for the simple reason that I find it is easier to ‘actually’ be a positive person than the opposite. I am not negating the fact that we all have our ‘valley’ moments. Birth on earth entails none escapes life’s lows and highs. But that shouldn’t be our excuse to adopt a ‘drain-like’ attitude. A ‘drain’ is an obvious representative of negativity, that left unchecked, can lead to a toxicity that corrupts one’s thought, word and deed, changing a Beautiful person into someone they were originally not created to be. While Fountains are pretty, poised and passionate people, ‘drains’ swirl in their churlish malicious, envious, jealous mindset, lying in wait to ambush the happy traveller on the road of life.
“Be a Fountain, not a drain” for me, is a guiding principle pointing to living a purposeful, fulfilling and impactful life, enriching self and others with positivity and faith, creating a symphony through harmonious living.
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This Post Has One Comment
Truly inspiring👏👏👏….such a words of wisdom mam…I will definitely try to be a “fountain” in ebb and flow of this god given life….thanks for sharing mam…