God Does Not Call the Qualified

Two decades ago, Arokia Jeyaseelaraj completed his Std.X Board Exam with flying colours, securing the second rank in his school with a grand total of 429/500. But his joy was short-lived when faced with the harsh reality of poverty that snuffed out any ambition to study further. Bravely putting his dreams behind him, the lad started working in a bakery to augment his family’s meagre income. Congratulations poured in as his customers heard of his success, but none came forward to offer him financial assistance to pursue his education. Down, but not defeated, Jeyaseelan served the bakery with all his heart, such was his dedication.
Jeyaseelan’s parents were devout, church-going, poor folk who gave to God of the little they had, bringing up their children to revere God. It was at this time that an Angel, in the form of Sr. Alocia urged the boy to take the Plus Two exams privately. That meant putting immense pressure on his already time-bound day. For the teenager, it meant ‘making’ time to study outside his working hours which were long and strenuous. Thinking what I’m thinking? Yes, it did appear to be an impractical proposition, but coming from a Nun whom he looked up to and admired, the young Jeyaseelaraj took up the challenge. And make no mistake, a challenge it was, given the circumstances.
Failure does have an uncanny knack of knocking down the vulnerable, and Jeyaseelan too was not spared. He was able to clear all but two subjects which meant he had to put on hold his dreams of entering the hallowed corridors higher education, securing a better job, and helping his family. At this point, Jeyaseelan, who, until then, had never entertained the idea of becoming a priest, prayed a promise that he would serve God as His priest once he cleared those Papers. “Do your best and God will do the rest” is, as we all know, a profound promise of what the Almighty can do when we do what is expected of us. I firmly believe that God blesses an honest effort. Needless to say, Jeyaseelan’s faith, fueled by his implicit trust in God, saw him succeed.
Jeyaseelan, who was now working in a garment factory, and attending evening college, could no longer ignore the Call of God on his life. He made up his mind to join a priestly Order called Peace Makers of Christ (PMC) and took up, with joy, the long and arduous journey of becoming a Priest. From that day onwards, Jeyaseelan vowed to lend a helping hand to those youngsters, who, like himself, wanted to study, be educated, help family and society. With a determination arising from necessity and with an obligation to society, Fr. Jeyaseelan successfully completed his Masters in Social Work from the MKU evening college. His first appointment was with an NGO that he served for five years, while also offering assistance to parish priests in and around Madurai.
It was in May 2024 that Fr. Jeyaseelan was made the Superintendent of the Reception Home in Virudunagar district. He went about his Calling as a worker and a priest. This Home was established in 1999, to give immediate care, protection and shelter to infants and children (minors). The first week was nothing short of a nightmare for Fr. Jeyaseelan. He couldn’t eat or sleep for days on end. Nothing had prepared him for the horrendous plight of the children that were brought to the Home. Some even came there either by themselves or with child helpline workers (who pick up calls on the 1098 helpline). Praying for strength of body, mind and spirit to carry out his Calling, Fr. Jeyaseelan, found peace in divine guidance through his friend priests.
He resolved to make immediate and necessary changes where the children who come in are, first of all, given food and water, medical attention, counselling, or whatever was a priority for each child. Fr. Jeyaseelan made sure he and his team are available 24/7, and that the Home is ever ready to take in any child who has suffered the indignity and ignominy of gruesome exploitation and abuse by those adults within the family and without, who are supposed to be their guardians, or, even children caught on the wrong side of the law. He has made sure that every worker in the Home treats these children with respect, addresses them by their name and not by the number given them when they enter, as was the practice earlier. The children are given an option to study or learn a trade at the ITI Center. All festivals are celebrated with joy and gusto, and every child in the Reception Home feels included, loved, respected.
From a young boy whose life was nothing but one challenge after another, striving for some semblance of success, Fr. Jeyaseelan stands tall as the young man who did his best, and heeded God’s Call to a higher purpose in life, notwithstanding the struggles and sacrifice. Fr. Jeyaseelan is definitely one of those who life echoes the beautiful truism: “God does not call the qualified; He Qualifies the Called!”
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👌👌👌 mam…
God’s plans are always beautiful.