Knowledge (Shared) is Power

Nithya had to pay dearly to realise the truth. Surely it will never leave her till the end…….
Nithya was not only intelligent but also resourceful. No wonder she topped her class in all assignments and tests in English Literature. She knew where to find the right books on the subject. Her assignments were so perfect that her lecturer wanted them to be read aloud in the class. Her test papers were dotted with the right criticism she had culled from the books in the library. But when the other students went in search of books, on criticism, they failed to get them.
All her classmates were wondering about the disappearance of certain books on criticism from the library shelves. When they asked Nithya for the source of her criticism, she candidly replied that most of what she wrote was her own. She thought her originality would become stale if she shared with others. In fact, knowledge like happiness when shared will increase. Nithya would never subscribe to it.
Her classmates tried other tactics like asking her a few tips on criticism just before the test. She would share certain common points and keep the best for her answers. And it was certain her performance would outshine others. Once, one of her friends, Neena disgusted with her behaviour said, “ Nithya, you’ve never helped me whenever I asked you. See, you and I will pass the final exam with the same grade”. She was least bothered and continued to be her own self.
Final exams came. All the students had prepared their best. Nithya was very calm, composed, and in total control of herself. But her classmates were not confident enough and were trying to clear each other’s doubts and glean any extra last-minute information they could. Nithya came right on time for the exam. She never wanted to be disturbed by her classmates and their doubts. Nor was she willing to share her knowledge with them. The paper was quite easy for the questions were expected ones.
Nithya finished early and was surprised why others were taking so long to finish the paper. She reviewed and re-reviewed her answers and found them to her satisfaction. She waited for some more time in the examination hall. Finally, having submitted her answer book, she came out of the hall. She was waiting outside for the others to finish the paper. When they came out, she asked them, “What were you all writing so long? The paper was quite short and the questions easy.” Neena replied, “Of course the questions were easy but the paper was long”. Nithya checked with her and to her utter dismay realised she had not answered one essay question that carried twenty marks! While she had to answer two out of three essay questions, she had read it as one. She sat down with her hand on her head. All her dreams of becoming University First were dashed to smithereens due to her oversight.
Finally, when the results were published, she shared her grade with the majority of her class. The words of Neena echoed in her ears- “You and I will pass with the same grade”. What she had said then after all came true!
Once the exams were over, all the students were asked to to arrange the books in the library. To their utter surprise, they saw the books they had been searching throughout the year neatly stacked between the books on the Psychology shelf. Needless to say, who had done it? Nithya realised that knowledge like happiness should be shared to multiply. Also, should it not flow mellifluously like a river and not be stagnant like water in a pond?.
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This Post Has 2 Comments
Nice story Hamsa Kochamma. Relevant message in this age of competition an comparison. Hope this story reaches the students too.
Good narrative. Keeps the readers interest going till the end. Thank you.
Simple and direct in its message! Well written Dr. Hamsa, you’ve certainly done it again!!!