A Wheelchair That Gets Differently Abled Stand Up

Neo Stand, the standing wheelchair developed in IIT Madras enables wheelchair users to experience the joy of standing by push of a button.
Neo Stand, the standing wheelchair developed in IIT Madras enables wheelchair users to experience the joy of standing by push of a button.

A customisable standing wheelchair developed in IIT Madras is a new high in assistive technology that enables wheelchair users stand by push of a button. It could transform lives of wheelchair users giving them a new lease of mobility. 

At the TTK Centre for Rehabilitation Research and  Development its a feast for eyes as wheelchair user trainers glide on the machine Neo Stand, standing or talking to their friends or exploring the scenic  aerial view. 

The machine makes it possible for users to engage in eye level conversations standing or reading a book or sipping a cup of coffee standing by a counter. “By the push of a button this can be used in a gradual manner. It can stop for  a semi-standing position” said Prof Sujatha Srinivasan , Head of the  center.

The innovation, experts say has health and psychological benefits too including better blood circulation and  digestion particularly  for those who’s upper body movements are severely restricted. Prof V Kamakoti, Director, IIT Madras said “These are very important translational research works guided by faculty of IIT Madras that have great social impact.”

Priced at Rs 89000 Neo Stand is a new high in assistive technology. Experts say this also offers several health benefits to wheelchair users including better blood circulation and digestion.
Priced at Rs 89000 Neo Stand is a new high in assistive technology. Experts say this also offers several health benefits to wheelchair users including better blood circulation and digestion.

A mechanical model of the standing wheelchair was developed five years ago which requires some manual  effort  to operate the lever. However this  makes it possible even for those lacking upper body strength to use it themselves or with help from their care givers.

Prices at Rs 89000, Neo Motion, a start up that had revolutionised mobility for the differently abled with motorised wheelchair is taking up this product too to the market.  


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