Sundar Pichai’s Chennai Home Sold To A Man Who Had No Food Once

Film Producer Manikandan with parents of Google CEO Sundar Pichai from who he bought the property where Silicon Valley icon grew up in Chennai
The plot that once had the home Google CEO Sundar Pichai grew up in Chennai  will soon be the home for a rags to riches man, who once had no food to eat. Manikandan, an Actor and Film Producer has bought the property from Sundar Pichai’s parents Regunatha Pichai and Lakshmi Pichai in March this year who even gave him a discount of a crore rupees, he says.
Manikandan told it was an emotional moment for Sundar Pichai’s parents to hand him over the 1 1/2 ground corner plot  at Ashok Nagar, the first property the couple had acquired in Chennai. “The father  for a moment turned teary eyed as he handed over the papers to me” said Manikandan. It was from here Sundar had attended school before leaving for IIT Kharagpur to study metallurgical engineering.
A resident of Ashok Nagar himself, it was during his daily walk his friend and walking partner who gave a tip off on this VVIP property for sale. “I didn’t first believe that it is the same house Sundar Pichai grew up. I thought it was a prank but soon my friend had arranged a meeting with the couple “.
On what worked in his favour when big real estate tycoons would have been ready to pay sky high price for the hot property, Manikandan who is also a realtor said “I think they saw in me a story of humble beginning and a rise by hard work just like themselves”. He added “They were so humble. For them money wasn’t important. The deal was over in 90 minutes. They served me filter coffee and the next day I sealed the deal paying an advance of a crore and a half “. The property, Manikandan says “is worth 6.5 crore rupees but the couple gave it to me for little more than 5 crore”.
Born to a farmer in Tenkasi, Manikandan says, with ten children in the family he had a difficult childhood. “I had to drop out after class IX. Often I had no food and came to Chennai in 1992 with just sixty rupees in hand”. He added “I was floored by the couple’s humility. They waited at the registration office themselves and paid everything required”. 

A builder himself, on what’s his plan for the property, Manikandan said “I plan to build a house for my son”. Though the senior Pichais  returned to the US the following day, many hope the new home Manikandan would build on their plot would turn into a landmark inspiring many. 


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