MBA Mom’s Bedtime Stories With A Twist
A 39 year old mother of two children is churning out contemporary bed time stories to draw and engage little children in reading, amid the pandemic. The budding fiction writer T M Usha from the temple town of Madurai has just released her first book “Into the Dream World” with 25 bedtime stories.
With little children glued to animation, videos and social media quite early, Usha believes there is a need for bedtime stories that would effectively engage them with a good mix of values and modern elements. This she hopes would kindle their creativity and imagination as well. Usha told tellmystory.in “Present generation kids already have a good exposure. Traditional moral stories don’t connect with them fully. My stories change the way they imagine and think. The themes have a fine blend of fantasy and contemporary real life. For instance I’ve included fairytales and scientific aspects like submarines and para gliding”.

Usha, an MBA who owns an online boutique says the lockdown enabled her to reinvent herself as a writer as she always had a burden about this even though her two children have passed the bedtime stories phase. “I began posting a short story a day on my facebook page. With many children and mothers encouraging with good reviews I just continued” Usha explains.
The stories are also accompanied by curated pictures and illustrations to captivate young minds.
Sugapriya, a software professional in Chennai and a mom for 2 children says “My children are able to relate; the story is straightforward and easy to understand. They also love the images”.
Her book is striking a chord overseas too. Revathi Senthilkumar, a mother of two children in New Zealand says her seven year old younger son loves reading this. She says “He says he is able to easily relate to himself”.
Usha is now writing a novel on a young warrior boy. On managing time for writing, she says “If you love something we allot time and fix targets”.
You can order her book from Amazon: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B09MTYSZVF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BE1CS7F1Y4VEDS0GFN6X
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