Turtle Tales: How Tamil Nadu Shields Hatcheries Against Climate Change

Tamil Nadu is pioneering climate challenge resilient initiatives at  Olive Ridley hatcheries across its coast,
Tamil Nadu is pioneering climate challenge resilient initiatives at Olive Ridley hatcheries across its coast,

In what’s being seen as a pioneering initiative, turtle conservation is turning climate change resilient in Tamil Nadu. 

The state Environment, Climate Change and Forest Department is guarding its forty five  Olive Ridley hatcheries along the coast from rising temperature and changing rainfall patterns. Authorities have deployed data loggers to  monitor and maintain optimum temperature. A simple but reliable infrastructure in the form of adjustable welded iron poles with cover on need basis also  protects them from heavy rainfall. 

Tamil Nadu has collected a record 2.8 lakh turtle eggs this year from its 45 hatcheries along the coast,
Tamil Nadu has collected a record 2.8 lakh turtle eggs this year from its 45 hatcheries along the coast,

This year Tamil Nadu has collected a  record 2.8 lakh turtle eggs. Already eleven thousand baby turtles have been released and have found their way into the sea. 

Authorities also take advise from the Wildlife Institute of India .The state’s Environment Secretary Supriya Sahu says “It’s important we negate the impact of climate change”.

The climate resilient measures would mean more hatching and more survival to keep  oceans and marine ecosystems healthy.


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