Climate Change Solutions: Start-Ups By Youth Rock At Ecopreneur Awards

The eco-friendly air filter Mongolia's Oyungerel  Munkhbat designed has won ITC's Youth Ecopreneur Award. It uses sheep wool, replacing non biodegradeable synthetic or plastic used in filters normally.
The eco-friendly air filter Mongolia's Oyungerel Munkhbat designed has won ITC's Youth Ecopreneur Award. It uses sheep wool, replacing non biodegradeable synthetic or plastic used in filters normally.
27 year old Oyungerel Munkhbat from Mongolia is happy as her name was announced  to be one of the two winners of the Youth EcoPreneur Award, a global competition that drew more than 400 entries. She received a 5000 USD prize at the World Export Development Forum held in capital Ulaanbaatar  for the eco friendly air filter made using sheep wool, which was developed by Airee, the start-up she co-founded. 
Extensive mining of coal, copper and gold has made her country Mongolia suffer from severe air pollution. The145 USD device uses fresh or waste sheep wool available in plenty in her country replacing non biodegradable synthetic or plastic materials commonly used. “This will be a life saver for pregnant mothers and children who are vulnerable to air pollution” Oyungerel told
The filter can also be customised for a variety of air purifying applications in domestic, automotive and industrial needs. Oyungerel added “We would now scale it up to different markets and provide cleaner air and eco friendly options”. 
Prisha has set more than 70 Yoga records and has ben conferred 3 honorary doctorates.
The other winner is  Mashurur Hossain Shurid’s simple soil testing technology from Bangladesh that helps farmers with instant site and crop specific prescription that would stop farmers using more chemicals or fertilisers and reduce emission.  “Supporting marginal farmers to produce and feed the future
without harming the land is very important” said Mashurur. On his plans he said “We would now disrupt agricultural production practices”. 
India’s Chirag M G, one of the finalists won the people’s choice award for the eco friendly straws made of fallen coconut leaflets. Besides making a sustainable alternative to an estimated  billion plastic straws used every day globally, his start-up also economically nurtures rural women. He said “It’s a world platform and it’s great we were able to tell our story”.
Organised by International Trade Center, the trade arm of the United Nations, the award aims at engaging with the youth to find climate change solutions. Govind Venuprasad, Senior Coordinator said “The youth are the inheritors of planet earth and it’s important they are given the opportunity to find green solutions”. 

Indian entrepreneur Vedant Gandhi who won this award last year was part of the jury this time. He said “We looked at the environmental and social impact of each of the pitches. We were also particular about scalability and sustainability”.


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